On 12 December 2022, the government introduced Bill 8117 to amend Article L. 222-9 of the Labour Code to increase the social minimum wage (SSM) by 3.2%. This will take effect on 1 January 2023.

In concrete terms, this means that at index 100:


  • the non-qualified SSM will be increased to EUR 272.22 gross; and
  • the qualified SSM will be increased to EUR 326.66 gross.


On the day of entry into force, with the index in force on 1 January 2023 (877.01), this results in the following amounts:


  • non-qualified SSM for those at least 18 years old: EUR 2,387.40 gross
  • qualified SSM for those aged 18 and over:             EUR 2,864.88 gross


We note that this also implies an increase in the maximum threshold for ricochet contributions, which is five times the SSM. In addition, the ceiling for the tax exemption provided for in the context of transactional indemnities (e.g. in the event of termination by mutual agreement) will also be increased by ricochet, this ceiling being ten times the SSM.