End of the validity of tax rulings granted before January 1st, 2015
For legal consistency, tax rulings granted before January 1st, 2015 will automatically lapse at the end of the 2019 fiscal year
For legal consistency, tax rulings granted before January 1st, 2015 will automatically lapse at the end of the 2019 fiscal year
An additional administrative period of 3 months has been granted to legal entities to register the information of their beneficial owners in the Register
In the context of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, the European Union (EU) adopted on May 20th, 2015 Directive (EU) 2015/849 (known as “4th AML Directive”) and on May 30th, 2018 Directive (EU) 2018/843 (known as “5th AML Directive”) (the "Directives").
Le droit applicable aux sociétés commerciales réglementé par la loi du 10 août 1915 sur les sociétés commerciales telle que modifiée à Luxembourg (ci-après la “Loi ”) a subi des modifications significatives...
Luxembourg and France signed, on 20 March 2018 a new double tax treaty replacing the current tax treaty of 1958 and including the new international tax standards.
Le 22 décembre 2017 a été déposé auprès de la chambre des députés le projet de loi 7228/00 portant modification 1) de la loi modifiée du 2 septembre 2011 réglementant l’accès aux professions d’artisan...
L’Administration des contributions directes a émis en date du 29 novembre 2017, la circulaire L.I.R. numéro 104/2 relative au régime d’imposition des plans d’option sur acquisition d’actions.
The Grand Ducal regulation of 5 December 2017 coordinating the amended law of 10 August 1915 concerning commercial companies (“LSC”) was published in the Memorial (official journal) of 15 December 2017 (the “Regulation”).
Le 4 octobre 2017, la Commission Européenne a lancé un vaste plan de réforme des règles de l'Union Européenne en matière de TVA.
The Luxembourg Government introduced a bill on the proposed new Intellectual Property (IP) regime on 4 August 2017.